Travel back in history at Chichen Itza

It is futile to go to Mexico if you are not visiting Chichen Itza, one of the new 7 wonders of the world. Built-in the 1200s, this archaeological site belonging to the Mayan Civilization screams culture and history.

Chichen Itza

The Chichen Itza is situated on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula and is one of the most glorious and stunning sites you can visit in Mexico. Just get your Mexican car insurance before you visit.

Some exciting facts about the Chichen Itza

If you are a history nerd, then you must have already heard of the great Chichen Itza. The Mayan civilization was one of the most advanced civilizations that took place several centuries ago during the pre-Colombian Times. Chichen Itza was one of their most important cities, and at present, it is a site consisting of several ancient Mayan infrastructures, including the Great Pyramid around which the city was built.

Currently, the site is known for its Chenes and Puuc architectural styles. Some expert historians believe that Chichen Itza was a heavily populated city due to the presence of an underwater freshwater spring known as the Xtoloc Cenote. You can still see some of the oldest Chichen structures including the Akabtzib, the Iglesis, an observatory, and the Chichanchob. However, the site is renowned for its El Castillo, the Great Pyramid that stands in the city center and stands up to 24 meters tall.

The pyramid has 4 sides, and each side faces a compass direction. You will find the building has a total of 365 steps which corresponds to the number of days in a year. During the spring and autumnal equinoxes, the shadows of the sunset fall and create a curved snake-like impression down the stairs. There is a sculpture of a snake at the pyramid’s summit representing one of the Mayan deities. When the site was first excavated, the archaeologists found a crimson jaguar throne adorned with jade. Apart from the El Castillo, you will also find extraordinary buildings like the Temple of the Warrior and the Mayan Ball Court.

How to get to Chichen Itza?

The best way to get to Chichen Itza is to get on a flight from Cancun or Merida, two of the most prominent cities on the Yucatan Peninsula. You can also drive from those cities, which takes only two to three hours. 

Your travel package will include the Chichen Itza tours, or your hotel will have guides for these tours. There are various types of tours that you can book on different budgets. The site is open every day till five PM, so it is suggested that you set out after an early breakfast to get the best of Chichen Itza.

Chichen Itza is a very famous site in Mexico for tourists and is a place where culture and history blend. At present, it is one of the best preserved historical sites, and the inscriptions and hieroglyphs found here give us an insight into the ancient Mayan culture. Just make sure you have the Mexico car insurance for Palm Springs before traveling.