Why Tourists Love to Visit Baja, Mexico For Honeymoon


The city of Baja in Mexico is situated on the western coast of Mexico. It further extends to the southern region bordering the United States. Covered with extremely beautiful sites of mountains, beaches, waterfall and many more, makes it the best place for travelling. Hence, that’s the reason why honeymoon couples visit here in large numbers.

However, there are numerous places and things that are still unknown to people. So, if you are travelling here, then make sure to visit the following places in Baja.

Punta Arena, La Ventana

Firstly, Punta Arena is one of the most stunning places in Baja. The distant route makes it peaceful and has less traffic. Several activities like diving, snorkelling and many more are available here. Aquatic creatures like dolphins, tropical fishes, etc., jump up to 6 feet above during sunset, creating mesmerising scenes in Baja.

Cascada Sol De Mayo Waterfall in Mexico

Secondly, this place is a beautiful Oasis in the middle of a desert located beneath the Sierra Laguna Mountains. Away from any sort of crowd, it is just a 1-hour drive away from the airport. Thus, it is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the serene beauty of the waterfalls and do swimming. However, don’t forget to buy car insurance for Mexico.

Valle De Guadalupe

Do you know that a significant quantity of Mexican wine is produced at Guadalupe Valley? It is located in the aesthetic Ensenada region of Baja. Here, the Spanish colonialists brought the vines along with them during their conquest. Hence, it comprises incredibly beautiful vineyards that also offer tastings and tours. Hence, it is a great place to explore in Baja for honeymoon couples.


Fourthly, Mulege is a beautiful town located amidst the serene mountains of Baja California Sur. This place has a desert-like feel. It is also a tiny oasis engrossed with palm trees and along with a passing-by river. Apart from that, Mulege is situated on a hill with a spectacular view of Baja city. There are several stores and streets covered with cobblestones which make it a fantastic destination.

Cabo Pulmo Underwater National Park

Additionally, the Cabo Pulmo Underwater National Park is also called the “jewel of the East Cape region.” Hence, it is undoubtedly the best place for underwater diving in the world. Thus, it is spread across five miles starting from Pulmo Point up to Los Frailes. Thus, you must get the best insurance for Mexico from mexicanInsurancestore.com quotations, advice, & recommendations.

Tados Santos

Furthermore, Tados Santos is another stunning and blissful city in Baja. Here, you will find various restaurants designed with several tropical decorations. Also, the downtown area comprises beautiful hotels and art galleries. Apart from that, there are several brunch spots, juice bars as well as yoga studios. Hence, Tados Santos is a must-visit place in Baja.

In conclusion, these are unique places that you can visit in Baja. Apart from that, Baja has countless places to explore and enjoy for honeymoon couples and other travellers. Hence, include them in your list and enjoy your vacation.