Izamal – The Must-Visit City When in Mexico


Have you heard about the Mayan Civilisation? Izamal was one of the significant Mayan cities. Now, it is a beautiful destination for tourists to explore in Mexico. However, it is still underrated and unexplored by many. But, you shouldn’t miss this opportunity to arrive here and explore this bright-yellow town of Mexico.

Therefore, here you will explore a lot of places that will leave you mesmerized. Please read below about the incredible places you must visit in Izamal. Have a look.

Atrio Convento de San Antonio de Padua

Firstly, this is one of the famous and spectacular Catholic monasteries in the Americas. It was built in 1561 upon the Mayan temple, which was destroyed. Its courtyard is spread across 7,800 square meters, which is the world’s second-largest. So, do you have Mexican insurance? Then get one and start visiting these sites.


Secondly, Itzamatul is also one of the most significant monuments on Izamal. Thus, it is uncountable another historical Mayan monument which was built for around three phases. The earliest work dates back to 400-600AD. Hence, you should never miss out on this place once you visit this yellow town of Mexico.

The Kabul Temple

This name of “Kabul” is derived from the Mayan civilization. It means “Miraculous Hand.” It is estimated that the monument would be around 60 and 9 meters in length and height after completion. Along with that, the sides were coated with stucco decoration. But, it was later disappeared after 1843.

Parque Itzama

Fourthly, the central plaza of Izamal is the Parque Itzama. This place is located at the North de San Antonio de Padua. It is surrounded by royal palms, elephant ear trees, tamarinds across the borders. You will have a fantastic view of Kabul Temple from the top of it. So, don’t forget to visit this place in Izamal.

Cichzen Itza

When you visit Iazamal, Cichzen Itza is a must-visit. Tourists worldwide love to come here to visit this World Heritage Site. You will also see buildings with fusion styles that reflect the modernity of this old Mayan city. Furthermore, it looks more impressive after the sunset with beautiful lighting.

Cenote Ik Kil

Additionally, you cannot miss out on the best natural cave in Cenote Ik Kill of Izamal. This is a cave that was collapsed. The walls are surrounded with vegetation and tiny waterfalls, which look incredible. Thus, you will escape from the hustle-bustle of the city to nature’s lap.

Downtown Architecture

The central area of Izamal offers a great view of cities. The colonial architecture with bright yellow color looks fantastic. You will also see various shops selling textiles and wood carvings. Thus, this is one of the beloved places by photographers due to its stunning view.

In conclusion, Izabal is a perfect mix of culture, history and modernity. So, if you are planning your trip to Mexico, don’t forget to visit Izabal. But before that, make sure that you have Mexican Insurance. This will help you to avoid any tough times during your travel.