Plaza Garibaldi and Mariachi

Plaza Garibaldi and Mariachi – The first thing that must come to your mind when someone mentions Mexico is mariachi music. The Mariachi bands are a common presence on any happy occasions in the Mexican culture, be it weddings or birthdays. Moreover, many Mexican-themed places like restaurants or hotels also use Mariachi bands to give it a Mexican touch.

Plaza Garibaldi

But the best place to experience Mariachi music is the capital of Mexico itself. Yes, Mexico City’s Plaza Garibaldi is renowned for the best Mexican Mariachi bands. Remember to have Mexico insurance before you travel.

What is Mariachi?

Although the exact year and place are unknown, Mariachi music’s beginnings can be traced back to 18th-century Western Mexico. Even the precise meaning of the word ‘Mariachi’ is not clear. Some say it originated from the French word “marriage” referencing the wedding music performances during the French occupation of Mexico in the 1860s.

The Mariachi heritage was significantly influenced by cultural and political upheavals. During the Mexican Revolution, the Government used Mariachi as its symbol of unity. As the music genre became popular, many performers began to incorporate other music genres into it, like Cuban or jazz and created shorter tunes to fit records.

Currently, the Mariachi musicians dress in vibrant colored attire, and one group consists of a minimum of four performers. They play conventional Mexican folk instruments and sing. The most crucial instrument includes a give-string guitar called the vihuela. Bass guitars, trumpets, and violins are also used.

When the music genre was introduced, the Mariachi musicians all wore white shirts, slacks, and huaraches. During the 1920s, the musicians adopted the traje de charro attire, which consisted of fitted trousers, boots, a waist-length jacket, wide-brimmed hats, and silk ties. The genre has diverse singing styles.

Mariachi experience in Plaza Garibaldi

Plaza Garibaldi situated in Mexico City is mariachi’s original birthplace. Every day, this plaza hosts several Mariachi musical shows at night. This place holds mariachi performances since the 1920s, and several bands would compete against each other here for the money.

The entire place starts crawling with customers in the evening for the mariachi shows, and the plaza surroundings are filled with street food stalls for the customers. Once you get to the Plaza Garibaldi, you will find a group of authentic Mexican Mariachis performing for the crowd’s amusement while costumed in their traditional garb. 

You will find plenty of Mariachi bands all over Mexico, but the performance at Plaza Garibaldi is something special. This is an event you won’t forget anytime soon because of its amazing ambiance and setting. Once the performance is over, you can walk to the Guadalajara de Noche, a pub in the same area famous for its classical Mexican themes. You can enjoy another variation of Mexican classical music show here.


Mariachi is the perfect example of authentic Mexican culture, and you must experience it at least once in your life. In fact, many Mexican tourist guides will take you to Plaza Garibaldi so you can have this beautiful experience. Just get the Mexico car insurance for San Bernardino before traveling.