Sports fishing is a fun, relaxing, and therapeutic activity and Campeche will provide you with all the facilities to spend a relaxing day on the waters, catching fish.

Campeche is a beautiful and colorful town on the western side of the Yucatan Peninsula situated on the Sea of Campeche and the Gulf of Mexico. Make sure you have Mexico insurance for Palm Springs before you get to this historically rich town in Mexico.
Fishing experience in Campeche
The fishing area in Campeche includes hundreds of channels and creeks which stretch more than 80 miles of mangrove coastline. The town is famous for baby tarpon fishing and has several reliable and productive locations where you can get them. The major locations are the backcountry mangroves and the turtle grass flats.
You can charter boats or book skiffs and the experienced guides will help you to move from beginning to end. Your learning will accelerate because of the abundance of fish available and the competent guides who will help you with tarpon fishing.
You can stay on the waters for up to 9 hours every day. Don’t worry about the fishing materials as most of the guides will provide you with the right ones. It is best to start fishing early so that you can spend a prolonged time on the water and get back at a convenient time to the hotel to enjoy the other activities Campeche has for you.
As an angler, you can easily find several favorable accommodations in the town. The hotel staff can arrange for the fishing and provide you with a few details about the fishing experiences.
Though tarpon fishing in Campeche is favorable throughout the year, it is better if you avoid the winter months for fishing. The best fishing season starts in May and continues till October and November. The ideal time to start fishing is six in the morning with an early breakfast, which your hotel will provide. After that, you make your way to the boat and you can have your lunch on the boat itself. Three in the afternoon is the maximum time for fishing as the light begins to fade after that and you must return to the shore after that with your fish.
With its gourmet cuisine, tarpon fishing, gorgeous architecture, and beautiful lodgings, this culturally rich colonial city is your ideal destination for both family and romantic getaways.
How to get to Campeche?
The best way to get to Campeche is to book a flight to Merida or Cancun. Since you will be going for pre-booking, the hotel staff will meet you at the airport and drive you to Campeche. You can also go for rental cars and drive from the cities to Campeche.
Campeche is an ideal location for angler fishing and if you looking to get hold of baby tarpons, you have found the correct location. Just make sure you have your Mexico car insurance for Palm Springs before you arrive to get around the city without difficulty.