Mexico is famous for different things like cuisine, historical structures, culture, and history. There are beautiful beaches and landscapes too.

But before planning your trip, you can also check out some exciting and fun facts about Mexico to better understand the place. You can also check out Mexican car insurance for San Bernardino travelers before your trip to Mexico.
The exciting and fun facts about Mexico are:
- More than a beach destination
Mexico can be on your checklist because of spending the summer holidays on the beach. But there is much more than that. It has 34 UNESCO world heritage sites. It also has some famous ancient ruins and agave fields.
- Home to the first printing press
The first printing press in North America was established in Mexico City in 1539.
- Big and small animals
Mexico is the home of the jaguar’s largest wildcat in North America. You will find it in the Mexican jungles and near the Mayan ruins. It is also the home of the smallest breed of dog, the Chihuahua.
- Different from Latin America
Mexico is in North America and not Latin America. Therefore, the culture and language of Mexico are different from Latin America.
- Everyone doesn’t speak Spanish.
Though Spanish is the national language of Mexico, many native people don’t speak it. There are sixty-eight recognized languages in Mexico.
- Corn growing is a tradition.
There are 59 varieties of corn in Mexico. The farmers of Mexico still grow corn with naturally preserved seeds.
- Largest Catholic population
Mexico has the largest catholic population around the globe. And Brazil is the second largest.
- Oldest University
Mexico has the oldest university in North America. Yes, you heard it right. It is not Harvard. The National University of Mexico is the oldest in North America, founded in 1551.
- Interesting foods
Well, without any doubt, Mexico serves the most edible insects. In addition, it is high in protein and organic.
- Largest beer exporter
The largest exporter of beer in the world is Mexico.
- Six Cradles of civilization
Mexico is where you will find the empires of Toltec, Zapotec, Olmec, Teotihuacan, Mayan, and Aztec empires.
- Meaning of Mexico
It will be strange to know that, but Mexico has no etymological meaning.
- Symbol of the Flag
The Mexican flag is very symbolic. It is believed that the sun god told the Aztecs to find a place where an eagle has a snake in its mouth. The Aztecs found it near a lake that became Tenochtitlan, present-day Mexico.
- Volcano rabbit
Mexico has a rare species of rabbit, which is known as the volcano rabbit. There is nothing wrong with its appearance. It is found around the volcanic mountains of Mexico and is therefore called by this name.
Mexico is no doubt famous for its beaches and beautiful views. Yet it has much more to offer. Visit beaches, ancient structures, and cathedrals but don’t settle for that only as there is much more to experience. Consider these interesting facts during your trip to Mexico. And don’t forget to take Mexican auto insurance for travelers.